Monday, September 10, 2018

Could You Have Hormone Imbalance?

Some health issues are easy to diagnose and fix. If you fall and break a bone, the treatment is fairly clear. The same is true for most infections. Even diseases such as cancer and diabetes can be discovered through symptoms and tests.
Hormones are a different story.
If your hormones are off, you might experience a multitude of symptoms that can be misdiagnosed. We don’t have a clear “hormone level” the way we have a safe blood sugar range.
There are symptoms and tests, but surprisingly many physicians don’t think to check.

So What are Hormones?

Hormones are chemicals in our bodies that enact changes.
They’re messengers, created in our endocrine glands, that travel through our bloodstream and send messages to other cells.
Those messages control many of our most basic functions. This includes hunger to our more intricate and delicate systems like reproduction, as well as our emotions and moods.

What are Symptoms of a Hormone Imbalance?

There are many different types of hormones and therefore many different ways for them to become imbalanced.
If you feel that something is off or not right, it’s a good idea to check if you’re experiencing symptoms of an imbalance.
Let’s look at a common hormone imbalance with the thyroid gland.

Thyroid Symptoms

The thyroid regulates metabolism, which is the process of your body breaking down food and converting it into energy.
Your thyroid controls the rate in which this process happens.
A slower metabolism means your body may not be able to break down all the food you eat in a day and convert it to energy – it stores it as fat instead.
Your thyroid can be under or over active. Here’s a few symptoms for each.

Hypothyroid (Underactive)

  • Hair loss including outer 3rd of eyebrows
  • Dry skin/hair
  • Brittle fingernails
  • Weight gain/difficulty losing weight
  • Muscle/joint aches
  • Fatigue
  • High cholesterol
  • Constipation Heavy periods
  • Depression or moody

Hyperthyroid (Overactive) Weight Loss

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness
  • Hand tremors
  • Mood swings
  • Nervousness
  • Anxiety
  • Rapid heartbeat – tachycardia
  • Diarrhoea
  • Vision Changes
  • Light periods or missed periods
A doctor can run a blood test to check your thyroid function, and there is medication to correct the problem.
However, there is also a natural way to correct the imbalance and feel good again, without being dependent on medication.
You can do a few things to help your thyroid function properly, such as:
Banish the sugar in your diet.
Eat a thyroid friendly diet which is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.
Cut down on caffeine and drink more water.
And lastly, check how much soy you’re consuming.
Many people don’t realize that having too much soy in your diet can give you symptoms that mimic a thyroid problem, but it won’t show up on a test.
Soy is in soy milk, but it’s also in many packaged foods. Read the labels of the food in your home and you might be surprised how much soy you’re ingesting without realizing it.
Diet greatly affects our hormones, so we have a natural way to manage them

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Woodworking Business - What To Build To Make Profits

Wood Profits Banner

Woodworking is a great art and hobby that you can quickly turn into business. You need to know that different woodwork projects will have different markets. For instance, if you are making toys, then your target market should be the parents who have young children. You would be greatly misplaced if you make the toys in an area where the larger population that exists is the middle aged and the old aged people. You would also not make much money by making garden benches in an area where people hardly have gardens in their compound. With this in mind, it is very important that you find the right projects to build that will see you make good money. Here are some of the great projects that you can get to do so as to earn a good amount of profit.

1. Toys

Toys are simple projects that will not demand that you have a lot of resources. With the simple hand tools you will comfortably be able to make good toys. The other good news is that you can begin the project right from your garage to save on the cost that you would incur on rent. Know that the toy projects would not take much of your space and thus you will be able to comfortably work from a small area. You can never go wrong with the toy projects especially if you are in the urban area or when your target population is in the urban area for you will always find young families and children.

2. Furniture

Just take a brief survey of most homes that you get to. Did you notice that they have most of their furniture made of wood? Right from the coffee table all the way to the seats, you will realize that many people love wood to be used on their furniture. The reasons for the wide preference for wood are many, but one that stands out is that it is an inexpensive doing. With this in mind, as a woodworker, you need to research and find the particular furniture projects that people would not do without and engage in the building of the same.

3. Fence

Many people have their fences in wood. It makes the home get the more natural look and it is easy to set up. You will always find people who want their fence to be repaired while others will need new fence. Because the fence acts as a form of security, you will obviously get order to put up the same.
Don't Start a Woodworking BusinessUntil You've Seen This

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Tear Down These 3 “Success Floodgates” To Flood Your Life With Success!

Do you realize how close you are to turning your dreams into your reality?
If you could see how close you are to success, you’d be kicking yourself that you haven’t just reached out to grab it yet.
The truth is, no matter how much you feel like a failure, success is literally waiting to flood your life. The only thing you have to do, is tear down the “Success Floodgates” holding it back.

Here’s 3 “Success Floodgates” holding back your dreams:

1. Making Excuses

If we choose someone successful to look at as an example, like Steve Jobs, we’ll see that he never made excuses. When things went wrong, he didn’t blame other people. He didn’t refuse to accept responsibility for his own mistakes. He didn’t try to justify his poor choices.
He didn’t make excuses because he understood that failure is going to happen. It’s not the end of the road – it’s one step on the road to success.
In fact, the next Success Floodgate you have to tear down is…

2. Fearing Failure

Like I already said, failure happens. But it’s not a dead end – it’s a step forward.
Too many people run into a tiny bit of failure, and they think they’re done forever. They give up immediately, never realizing how close they were to achieving their goals.
The problem is, they take failure personally. They think it means something’s wrong with them. But the truth is, failure is part of the journey to success.
That’s why it’s so important that you stop…

3. Beating Yourself Up

Think about it. Can you imagine Steve Jobs yelling at himself, saying that he’s dumb, or lazy, or any of the other million insults people tell themselves? Of course not!
Successful people don’t beat themselves up. They understand that taking your anger out on yourself only pushes your goals farther away. They still get upset, but they channel those emotions into constructive energy. They use that energy as jet fuel to reach their goals.
The truth about success is that you’re closer than you think. Sometimes all it takes is tearing down the floodgates, so you can let your dreams pour in.
But there’s an even easier way to turn your dreams into your reality, and it doesn’t require hard work, stress, or struggle…
You won’t believe the hidden connection that success experts recently discovered behind people like Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and even Albert Einstein.
Check out this free presentation on this new discovery that’s changing the way people look at success, taking “hard work” out of the equation:

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

FACT: This system has generated more online successes than any other system to date…

It’s always refreshing to see new strategies to make money online. However, the majority of the time I’m pretty disappointed with the results.
When I was recommended to buy Google Sniper, I thought it would be another system that just left me disappointed, but the proof and success stories tipped me to buy it. A quick Google search for testimonials and by watching the sales video it was clear that this system has worked wonders for other people, and it’s actually generated the most online success stories than any other system/course to date. It was a no brainer to give it a shot personally.
At the time in my Internet marketing journey, I was pretty lost as to what road to head down. Google Sniper really outlays the basics, from picking a niche, choosing keywords, buying a domain to setting up a wordpress website which will generate passive income online. It’s an extensive guide, but it’s easy to pick up (the walkthrough videos by George help also).
I studied the strategy pretty extensively to start with, and created my first “Sniper” site the next day. I was pretty excited due to the success stories, but still had that common doubt that it would be another blowout. I made my first bit of commission two weeks later after setting up the site completely. It wasn’t a huge amount but it was something, and that was the trigger to skim through the course once more to see if I could improve my site in anyway. The site in question started to generate me a tidy amount of commission, and still generates on average $375 a month (on autopilot).
As I’ve been recommended many times before, “if something works duplicate it…” And that’s what I did. I now have about 10 sniper sites, all generating commission each month. Each site differs in the amount of money I’m making, but I can’t squabble as I’m on the hunt for more…
The best thing about this course is alongside earning a nice income each month from this system on autopilot with no traffic generation, it’s also an extensive guide into niche research, finding products to promote and how to set up your own website. Yes, it may need to be read through a few times, but believe me… It’s worth it.

7 Step Plan To Get Going With Networking

Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, feel like you have the gift of gab or just don’t know how to make small talk, networking know-how is very important for your Business success. There is a notion in business that I believe most of us subscribe to that says “all things being equal, people will do business with and refer business to those they know, like and trust.” And the key to this is obviously being able to develop relationships.

Think of networking as the cultivation of mutually beneficial, win-win relationships. In order to be win-win, there must be GIVE and take (notice the emphasis on give). Networking shouldn’t be viewed as “events” where you go to sell your business. When effective networking is taking place, the parties involved actively share ideas, information, resources, etc.

Ok, so you know that you should be networking because it is one of the most cost-effective lead generation activities when used wisely, appropriately and professionally. But, maybe that seems easier said than done. Here’s a seven step plan to really get going with networking for your business.

1. Check out several groups to find the best chemistry and perceived value. Most groups will allow you to come and visit at least a couple of times before you have to join. Go and ask around to find out why others have joined and what value they get out of belonging.

Resist the urge to just go join the Chamber of Commerce simply because everyone tells you that’s what you need to do. If that’s not where your target group can be found, then you might just be wasting a considerable amount of time (and money).

I’m not telling you not to join the Chamber. Just be clear about what you’d like to get out of this or any other group. If it’s to find prospective clients or referral sources, then you need to be networking where those resources can be found.

2. When you find a group or two, join and go to all the meetings you can. Don’t go just once or twice expecting things to happen and then if they don’t quit. Building mutually beneficial, win-win relationships will take some time.

The contacts you make need to constantly see your face and hear your message. Continual contact with others over time will open up opportunities for you to go deeper and Learn more about each others thoughts, ideas and capabilities in regards to your respective businesses.

Know, like, and trust generally only happens over time. Being regular and persistent will pay off.

3. Get involved - be visible. Do as much as you can to make yourself more visible within the organization. Volunteer to help with meetings, be on committees, or become a leader or board member.

Being involved does a couple of things for you and your business. First, you’ll get more opportunities to establish connections and get to know some of the contacts you’ve made even better. Secondly, the higher the visibility you have in the group, the less you’ll have to work to make new connections. Instead, as new people come into the group, they will likely seek you out because they view you as a leader within the organization.

4. Keep your circles of contacts informed. Don’t just assume that running in to someone once a month (or even once a week) will cause them to start doing business with you or sending it your way. You need to let them know what’s going on when you’re not at that particular group in order to inform and educate them.

Send them invitations to your events or open houses. Send them email or letters to share big news or success stories, especially anything of relevance to them or those in their networks of contacts. If you believe that you have valuable ideas, information and resources to share with others, then doesn’t this just make sense?

5. Work at GIVING referrals and sharing valuable information. That’s right, you need to be willing to GIVE before you get. That means you need to get to know other members and what makes a good prospect for them. What kinds of information might you have access to that could be useful to them?

You may initially think you don’t have much of value to share with others (besides your business and what you provide). Part of the key to getting good at giving is to not make assumptions. For example, don’t assume that some basic resource (e.g., a web site) that you’re aware of is familiar to someone you might be talking to just because they are the “expert” in that field. Be willing to ask if they know about the resource and ready to share if they don’t.

Want to get better at actually giving referrals? Here’s a simple question to ask someone you’re connecting with. “How am I going to know when I meet a really good prospect for you?”

Just the fact that you are willing to explore giving will elevate your know, like and trust factor.

6. Focus on Quality, not Quantity, Quantity, Quantity. It’s not necessarily about the number of connections you make, but about the quality of the ones you do make. Are they mutually beneficial, win-win relationships?

Quality connections will be identifiable because all involved parties will be actively sharing ideas, information, and resources. Yes, it is true that you need to spend some time and effort getting to know the other person(s) and what’s important to them. But, you also need to be clear and actively thinking about what information or resources you want and need.

Staying in touch with and following up with a smaller number of quality relationships will generally be much more productive than trying to follow up with a larger number of superficial contacts.

7. Be persistent, but be patient. The goal of a networking event shouldn’t necessarily be to come away with prospects every time you go out, but to come away with great connections. Networking usually takes time to get the relationships developed and nurtured.

Don’t approach networking as a scary proposition or a necessary evil for being in business. Take the pressure off yourself and really focus on how you might be able to connect with someone you meet. Focus on them first and look for ways to be useful to them. As you become known as a connector you’ll eventually be ready to reap what you sow.

10 Ways To Make More Money In Network Marketing

Network Marketing is an excellent way for the "average Joe or Jane" to make an extra income. This Business concept has been around for decades, and it will not disappear any time soon. The reason for its popularity is simple... It Works! It does however, require lots of work and most importantly, dedication and persistance to get the job done. The best part is, once you are able to set up a solid network, your business becomes MUCH less time intensive. Almost like going on "autopilot". The key is to get there as fast as possible. 

Here are just a couple of tips I have found to be helpful in maximizing your Network Marketing Business: 

1. Use your products regularly. This is Number 1 for a reason, this is the most ignored part of ANY network marketing business. How do you expect your business to succeed if you will not even use your own products? It does seem silly to even have to bring this up, but there are many who are not using their own products, and wonder why they are not making any money. Make a commitment to use your products for a year, and see where your business goes. 

2. Educate yourself constantly. This is very important! You must rid yourself of negative ideas, sometimes referred to as "stinkin thinkin". This can be done in a variety of ways. I recommend reading at least 15 minutes a day, but try to shoot for 30. Business and self-help books are a great way to start. Don't forget your Multi-level magazines, as they are full of tips and advice. Lastly, listen to cassette tapes on multi-level tips from top earners in your business. 

3. Spend as much time as possible with your upline. Your upline should have only one goal in mind, To Help You Succeed! They are a vast source of knowledge and information. Mingle with top distributors in your group, or other groups, and ask how they made it. Most everyone should be more than happy to provide you with excellent tips and advice.

4. Present your products and marketing plan personally to at least one person daily. Remember above when I said you are going to have to work, well here it is. Now here is the key, the prospects to whom you present your plan, do not have to be yours personally. Show the plan for your downline, and not only will you create "security" by placing members in your downlines' downline, it will also give you a boost in your personal income! I can guarantee if you were to follow this rule for 6 months, you would create a downline with enough width and depth to create an income to sustain you and your family for life. 

5. Care for your downline. An entire book can be written on this topic. Usually, it's the little things that show you really care. Try to maintain regular contact, and always praise your distributor's accomplishments. You can even offer incentives for specific achievements, such as money, travel, recognition, or other rewards, to help motivate your group.

6. Duplicate yourself by making distributors independent of you. This will help to multiply your time, thus making you and your group more effective. Always lead by example. Never stop recruiting, Training and retailing. Remember the KISS formula - "Keep It Simple, Sweety" I know, I know, I changed the last word, but it maintains the meaning. This can be done my conducting simple, brief, yet dramatic presentations, and teaching your downline to do the same. 

7. Create a large customer base. This is another largely ignored, yet very important, piece of your network marketing business. Many try so hard to build a huge downline, that they forget how much profit they could also make by selling their products to retail customers. Some people will just not want to become part of your downline, no matter how great a product/system you may have. This does not mean they will not be personally interested in your product. Try to make everyone your customer. Once you earn their trust, they will come to you more, and perhaps even join your downline later. Always "leave the door open", as people's needs do change. 

8. Focus on your customers needs. You must give customers more than they expect, and always satisfy your customers complaints immediately. Try to listen 80% of the time, and talk only 20%. As stated above, your customers can be a huge source of future referrals and/or business. You must earn and maintain their trust. Once you have their trust, you can always ask for referrals, which leads to even more business and a larger downline. 

9. Set daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals - and Write Them Down! You may have heard the expression, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." Breaking up a larger goal into smaller easily attainable goals, is the key to success. You cannot just jump to the end, you have to make progress everyday. Writing them down is another largely ignored, important tip to help you succeed. A goal is just a "passing thought", or "wish" until you put it in writing. That is when it becomes concrete and real. It is also a great idea to keep a business journal of your daily activities, as it will help you to become more productive and time-conscious. 

10. Get Out There And Do It Now! All of the knowledge in the world is useless and unprofitable, until you put the most important ingredient of them all in place. This "secret" ingredient should come as no surprise at all, but this is the #1 reason for failure at anything in life. It is ACTION! Remember, knowledge is useless without action. 

Following these steps will almost give you immediate results. Thank you for reading this, and I truly hope this has provided you with valuable information to help you and your business grow and succeed.

Monday, June 8, 2015


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Today I will be reviewing AffiloTools, the subscription service from 8-figure millionaire, Mark Ling. Before I jump to its features, I want to tell you a bit more about Mark, and his story. I think you’ll be surprised at what you read.

Mark was in college, when he became tired of being a poor student. So he decided to try affiliate marketing. He was a natural at it, and within less than a year he was making several thousand a week. His friend introduced him to a twist, so Mark tried it too - and his income soared. But then tragedy struck: he was slapped by Google, and his income tumbled.

He was so discouraged, that he considered giving up... but he didn’t. He gave it one more go, revamping his strategies. And, well...

Now he is doing better than he ever has, and teaching others how they can achieve success too.

So Mark created AffiloTools; a one-stop-shop of marketing tools that would help raise his search engine profile for his affiliate sites. He made them so he wouldn’t lose his search engine rankings ever again. He is now sharing these tools with everyone, and it is packed with more features than you’d think.

***AffiloTools helped my rank my website***

While using AffiloTools, I discovered it had tonnes of great ways to help me in search engines. Here is how I used the software to raise up my search engine rankings:

> Link Research Tool: I used this to search for websites that we relevant to mine, AND had linking opportunities. I was very impressed to see that I could search for specific types of links including guest posts, blog comments, article directories and more.

> Backlink Analyzer: at first, I used this to look at the backlinks point to my websites... but then I realized that I could use this to find and snipe the backlinks of my competitors! I did that and found some great links that raised up my position in Google.

> Website Health Checker: AffiloTool's automatically keeps track of the 'health' of all of your website, and uncovers any SEO errors you need to fix that are holding you back from ranking in search engines.

***AffiloTools made me more productive***

Before AffiloTools, every single day I'd have to use places to check on the status of my websites and earnings. I'd have to use Google Analytics, Facebook, Twitter and ClickBank. But now, I do it all in AffiloTools:

> The dashboard shows you all of the important data you need to know from Google Analytics.

> The ClickBank section keeps track of your earnings, and important information such as your refund rate, sales count and hop total.

> You can update both your Facebook AND Twitter directly through AffiloTools, and see important information about your fans so that you can make posts tailored towards them.

***AffiloTools makes research cheaper***

Conducting keyword and market research can be very expensive. To find the best keywords, I used multiple services that each had monthly fee's. But now that I have AffiloTool's, I no longer need them anymore since it does everything for me. As a result, I save over $100 each month:

> The rank tracking tool keeps track of the different keyword rankings in Google and Bing (and their different regions).

> The keyword research tool lets you find the money-magnet keywords that you and your competitors have missed.

> The domain research tools lets you find related exact-match domains that are available.

As well as having all of your tools in one place, you also get tonnes of other bonuses with your AffiloTools subscription, including exclusive training modules.


AffiloTools is not a one-off investment: it is an on-going subscription. This can be a barrier to people that like to pay a lifetime price, and I understand that. One thing to consider though, is that tools like this require daily updates, and that these market tools are only otherwise available separately (with their own monthly subscription fees). If you aren't sure if you think the investment is worth it or not, I suggest you try their $1 trial and check it out for yourself for a month.

***There isn't anything to lose: try the $1 trial today***

Still not sure? The good news is that you can try AffiloTools for just $1 for an entire month. I personally recommend it, because it has saved me time, made me more efficient, and as a result of using the tools my website rankings are better than before. In addition to everything I have mentioned, there are tonnes of other great bonuses too. To find out more, head over to AffiloTools now and see them for yourself: