Saturday, October 3, 2009

Some guy is giving you a "Magic Code" that pours money into your pocket!

Wow! ---> Some guy is giving you a "Magic Code" that when added to any Web site pours money into your pocket automatically 24/7/365!

...It‘s here:

Posted using ShareThis

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Affiliate Marketing And Market Research

Now that many people’s finances are getting even tighter due to the recession, the idea of making money online is getting even more attractive, and one of the first things many people hear about is something called “affiliate marketing.” While there is a enough information out there to overwhelm most people at first, the basic concept is fairly simple.

Market research is the first step in the process.

First, you must research markets you are interested in. This is your most important starting point, and you can do this by finding out what your potential customers are looking for. This is the essence of “keyword research” – finding the actual words or phrases people type into search engines to find answers to their problems, and you can be sure that if you do not do your research, you will regret it later.

By finding and using keywords that consumers are actively entering into the search engines, you will be able to help your websites and landing pages rank higher, generating a nonstop flood of organic, targeted traffic.

Keyword research doesn't have to be a difficult task, however. Start with the free Google Keyword Tool, which can be found by searching for “Google keyword tool external,” and enter in a keyword or phrase that identifies the product or niche that you are interested in promoting as an affiliate.

Click on “get keyword ideas” to generate a list of keywords and gauge the competitiveness of the the market by taking a look at the number of times people are searching for your main keywords per month.

What you want to do is find a market with existing demand that also has existing competition and products readily available, but not so competitive that ranking highly is next to impossible.

What's important here is that you remember there must be an audience for whatever you choose to market. Since you are an affiliate, your costs for entering a market are not very high, but it’s still a good idea to take the time to do niche research in order to avoid wasting your time.

For more information on market research and keyword research in affiliate marketing, particularly as it applies to CPA, check out the newly-released course.

Make Money Online With Affiliate Marketing

Despite many industries laying off thousands of workers or even outright shutting their doors in today's tough economic climate, there is one industry that is thriving and helping thousands of regular people make money. Some hard workers are even replacing the income they earned at their regular jobs, allowing them to walk away from the 9-5 work day for good and work from home on a full-time basis.

What is this industry? Affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing programs are simple by nature: They work by rewarding
marketers for promoting products online. The affiliates are then compensated on a commission basis. Basically, affiliates get paid each time they refer new customers to the website of the company they are promoting.

Becoming an affiliate is one of the most lucrative online money-making opportunities out there, and the breadth of products that can be promoted as an affiliate is staggering. Affiliate marketing creates a cost-effective option for big and small companies alike to reach out and expose their products to a much larger audience of potential buyers. Instead of being limited to just one large webiste, companies of any size can now offer an affiliate program and have their products promoted on hundreds or even thousands of individual sites, at no upfront cost to them.

Likewise, the affiliate marketing industry also provides a virtually unlimited source for income for those who aggressively promote offers. Affiliates have been continually reaping the rewards of larger profits as the affiliate marketing industry continues to grow in popularity. Affiliates can easily earn anywhere from 30-90% of the profits from each sale that comes from customers they refer, and with some affiliate programs offering recurring monthly payouts for their products, the earning potential becomes even higher.

CPA marketing, in which affiliates can earn money just for referring traffic and having visitors do as little as fill out a short form, without even making a purchase, is the latest hot trend in affiliate marketing, and promises to keep the industry highly profitable and exciting for many years to come.

Unlike other businesses, there are no specific criteria for becoming an affiliate, other than a commitment to work hard and some knowledge of Internet marketing and how to go about researching and promoting the best offers for maximum profitability.

For more information, visit and learn how you can start earning a legitimate online income.

Add Google AdSense to Your WordPress Blog

Add Google AdSense to Your WordPress Blog

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blogging with Wordpress

Blogging with Wordpress: "Blogging with Wordpress

Wordpress is one of the many options available to bloggers who are looking for free software online which makes it incredibly easy to publish their own blog. This software is easy to use, provides a variety of templates and offer excellent support to bloggers. There are many options available to bloggers and other blogging programs may be better known and offer slightly different features but many bloggers are quite pleased with Wordpress.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Blogging with Blogger

Blogger is one of the many options available to bloggers who are looking for free blog software. This website located at the following web address: offers registered users the opportunity to publish their own blog free of charge. The website also has templates the blogger can use to create his blog and even enables bloggers to easily place Google advertisements on their blog and coordinates an AdSense account for the users so they can potentially earn a profit from their blog. This article will discuss the history of Blogger as well as the terms of service.
The History of Blogger
Blogger began in 1999 with a small group of friends in the San Francisco area who ran a company called Pyra Labs. These friends did not set out to create a network of bloggers but nevertheless Blogger emerged from their efforts. The three friends who developed bloggers were programmers who toiled away for others in an effort to fund their own endeavors. As previously mentioned a blog network was not their original goal but the friends were intrigued by the idea as it emerged and found others were interested too as their concept quickly took off and new members were joining everyday. Like most Internet entrepreneurs of this time period, they experienced setbacks but continued to persevere.
In 2002 Blogger was doing well but got an unexpected surprise when Google expressed interest in purchasing Pyra Labs. Google was interested in the upswing in the blogging community and the members of Pyra Lab sold their company enabling Google to take over the operation. Since taking over Google introduced the concept of AdSense advertising campaigns on blogs which has been generating profits for Google and bloggers alike. Blogger not only offers members templates to create a blog and voice their opinions on the Internet but also simplifies the process of placing AdSense advertisements on the blog.
Blogger Terms of Service
The Terms of Service of Blogger are susceptible to change but there are a few basic terms which users can expect to exist. The Terms of Service for Blogger provides explanations of items such as the services offered, description of proper use of the services, privacy policies, an explanation of intellectual property rights, cause for termination and information regarding the legal jurisdiction of the website. Members of Blogger are advised to carefully review these policies before becoming a member and to be sure they understand and agree to all of these terms. If the potential member is unsure about the meaning of one or more of the terms, he should contact Blogger to seek clarification on the Terms of Service.
Members of Blogger should also be aware that the Terms of Service may change and should review these terms periodically to ensure there have been no changes made which will adversely impact the member.
Members of Blogger should pay particular attention to the section of the Terms of Service which specify causes for termination of a member’s account. This information is important because it will help to prevent the member from inadvertently performing an action which may result in his account being terminated or suspended. Blogger is not required to inform the member of the infractions before suspending the account so a member will likely lose his account before he is even aware he has violated the Terms of Service agreemen

Affiliate Marketing and Blogging

Affiliate marketing is one way in which bloggers utilize their blog to generate revenue. The amount of revenue generated by a blog featuring affiliate marketing links may vary significantly depending on the amount of traffic the blog receives as well as the compensation offered for the affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing essentially entails creating a link on the blog to another company’s website. The other company then compensates the blog owner according to a previously agreed upon contract. This compensation may be awarded in a number of different ways. The blog owner may be compensated each time the advertisement is served, each time a unique website visitor clicks through the advertisement or each time a blog visitor performs a desired action such as making a purchase or registering with the website. This article will discuss some aspects of affiliate marketing which bloggers should understand including selecting opportunities carefully, maximizing the income potential for these opportunities and understanding the requirements associated with these affiliate marketing opportunities.
Selecting Affiliate Marketing Opportunities
There is a wide variety of affiliate marketing opportunities available. Many different companies and websites offer affiliate marketing opportunities. In most cases the blog owner simply needs to submit the website address of his blog along with some other basic information for approval. In most cases the company is not likely to reject the application unless the content of the website is deemed to be objectionable or otherwise in conflict of interest with the company’s goals. However, although getting approved to display affiliate links on your website is a rather simple process, this does not mean blog owners should select these affiliate marketing opportunities without discretion. It is a far better idea to carefully select affiliate marketing opportunities with companies who are of interest to the target audience of the blog.
A well focused blog that is reaching a specific target audience should seek to display marketing links directing website traffic to companies which complement the blog without acting as direct competition to the blog. This helps to ensure the blog visitors will not only be interested in the affiliate marketing links and therefore more likely to click on the links but will also help to ensure the blog visitors do not find the affiliate marketing links to be bothersome.
Maximizing Affiliate Marketing Opportunities
Once blog owners have selected affiliate marketing opportunities it is time to consider how they can maximize the profit generated by these links. There are a couple of critical factors which blog owners should carefully consider to help maximize their profit from affiliate marketing. This includes regularly evaluating the effectiveness of the affiliate links and promoting the blog to maximize traffic.
Blog owners who incorporate affiliate marketing into their blog should regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the affiliate links. This can be done by comparing the percentage of blog visitors who click on the affiliate links to the overall blog traffic. A blog which has high traffic but a relatively small percentage of visitors who click on the affiliate links should consider making changes to attempt to entice more blog visitors to click on the links. These changes can involve the aesthetics, size or location of the advertisements. Making only one change at a time is recommended because it makes it easier for the blog owner to evaluate which changes are most beneficial.
Blog owners can also help to maximize the profit from their affiliate marketing opportunities by doing self promotion to drive additional website to the blog. This will likely be beneficial because higher website traffic will generally translate to greater profit from affiliate marketing. Additionally, the blog owner may want to occasionally mention companies for which they are an affiliate to generate interest in the advertisements on the website.
Understanding Affiliate Marketing Requirements
Finally, blog owners should pay careful attention to the affiliate marketing agreements they enter. This is important because some companies may place restrictions on the usage of a link to their website. This may include restrictions such as avoiding objectionable content, not including links or advertisements for direct competitors or restrictions on the appearance of the affiliate links. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in the blog losing affiliate privileges and the blog owner being denied compensation