Saturday, April 27, 2013

Real Internet Income

Real Internet Income

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There is no

For many years now, we've been trying to solve the shipping cost issue for our international (primarily non-North American) affiliates.

There's just no getting around the fact that if you live in, say Australia, the shipping cost is going to be expensive to receive a bottle of, say SFI's Advanced Liquid Nutrition, because it must come all the way from our warehouse in Lincoln, Nebraska USA.

And for the record, we charge for shipping and handling ONLY what WE get charged by the carrier. Not a cent less or more.

We believe the solution will come with the launch of our coming commercial sellers program at TripleClicks (TC). Participants in this new program will be known as "E-Commerce Associates" or ECAs.

The ECA program will work like this:

Any company can apply to participate in the program (there will be a simple online application).

To participate, the company must be willing to provide SFI with wholesale prices on any products they wish to sell at TC (we're not going to allow them to receive the free traffic we generate and market their products side by side with our products unless they're willing to make it worth our while of course).

There are other requirements as well (more on this in a moment).

Once an ECA has been accepted, they will be provided with a special account where they can immediately begin entering basically unlimited product listings. From this form, they'll be able to enter a product name and description, weight, specifications, price, etc., upload product photos, and choose the appropriate department(s) for the product. There is no cost to the ECA to list their products on TC.

Once entered and approved by SFI, the listings will immediately appear in TC alongside all the other products in that department. They will also be searchable by name, keyword, VP, CV, etc.

Note that an order at TC always uses ONE shopping cart. A shopping cart may contain "TC Direct" products (such as Advanced Liquid Nutrition) and/or Private Seller items and/or ECA items. And all payment processing will be done by TC.

Example: We take an order for a widget sold by XYZ Company on September 1st. Upon processing payment, we forward the order via e-mail to XYZ Company (this would normally be within minutes of receipt of the order). We then send payment (the retail price, plus shipping, minus the percentage earmarked for us), electronically, to the ECA.

So, in short, the basic requirement for ECAs will be:

1. Wholesale prices offered to SFI
2. Acceptance of orders via daily electronic transmission
3. Orders shipped promptly and directly to customers with daily electronic payment

These are very reasonable requirements. And in return, some sizable and growing benefits will be theirs to enjoy. TC is already a top 25,000 website worldwide and we've only just begun. 95% of TC programs, products, and features are still to come. Traffic will, no doubt, increase exponentially over the years to come. 

So having your products in TC will allow you to easily have your products exposed to a large and diverse worldwide audience (and many thousands of affiliates looking for products to buy from their countries).

And there you go! With that last sentence, do you see the solution coming into focus?

That is, once the ECA program is launched, excellently-priced products and services of hundreds, if not thousands, of companies from your country can all be available to you from within TC (and with sizable CV and VP to make earning EA status easier than ever before)! 

So what would be even better than having access to thousands of products direct from your homeland? How about also earning a royalty on EVERY product sold at TC by every company that you refer to TC? Yes, this and perhaps group royalty overrides, too, are being considered.

Referring an ECA would be as simple as referring them to an SFI Gateway as you do now. Full information and the application form will be provided at the Gateway. All you have to do is get them to the Gateway. For any referrals you generate, you're looking at receiving royalties on EVERY sale from your referred company WORLDWIDE...for LIFE! It doesn't get any better than that, folks!

Launch of this program is still months away, but I'd encourage you to start preparing now. Start lining up companies in your country (and/or worldwide) you think would be good prospects for the ECA program so that when we do launch, you'll be ready to hit the ground running. A good idea is to also get the name of the company's owner or marketing director as they will likely be the decision makers. You might start talking to them now, give them the preliminary details, and get their permission now to let them know when the program launches.

Who would be good prospects for the ECA program? Initially at least, I would not recommend pursuing major companies. For a variety of reasons, they're probably not going to see significant value in participating, at least in the beginning. Instead, look for companies that are young and hungry to grow. Size-wise, small to mid-sized companies are probably your best bets. You'll have a much easier time getting through to the decision makers and they likely won't have layers and layers of management to stall action.

There are of course companies to avoid, too. Grocery stores or similar stores that do not ship products to customers are probably not viable candidates. We will also not accept companies that sell adult or controversial products.

Note: As always, we have a zero tolerance policy on spamming so make sure you factor this in. For example, preparing a list of companies should include full postal addresses and/or phone numbers so that you can use postal mail or the telephone, not e-mail, to contact prospective companies about becoming ECAs.

Tip: Companies and businesses that are not yet selling on the Internet are great prospects too. This is because with our ECA program, we'll be giving them a way to jump on the Internet with all the heavy lifting done for them. If they can receive email, they can participate because we're going to provide the audience for them, take the order for them, and handle all the payment processing. All they have to do is ship the orders that we forward to them to the customer. That's it.

In the meantime, it would sure be nice if you could easily locate products in TC that DO ship from your country NOW, wouldn't it?! Well, you'll be pleased to know that, as of today, we have added this feature to the Advanced Search at TC. 

Note that it will, of course, only deliver results for listings that indeed ship from your country. If you live in a country that has no MaxMalls Merchants or no Private Seller Listings yet, it will return no results. OF COURSE, THAT'S WHAT THE NEW ECA PROGRAM IS DESIGNED TO SOLVE! So, if you're not seeing results on a search of your country yet–hang in there–it's coming! As well as many other exciting additions and features to YOUR STORE, TripleClicks!

That's it for now. I welcome your comments.

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